Getting help

Categories:Quick Start


The primary way to get help is this online documentation.

  • Rolling-over the Support menu shows the Support mega-menu + links to all support categories
  • Clicking on the Support menu item will take you to a full index of the documentation

Within the documentation you will find the following sections:

  • The Setup section helps you get set up to use xJSFL
  • The Guides section provides key information regarding the design and functionality of the xJSFL framework
  • The Tutorials section gets you started writing practical xJSFL code
  • The API section outlines each of the xJSFL libraries in detail
  • The Appendix section has miscellaneous information regarding JavaScript, xJSFL, JSFL and Flash

View the API examples

Most of xJSFL's classes  have example code that was used to test them during development, placed in the folder xJSFL/modules/Code Examples/jsfl/, with one file per class. Simply open the file for the class you want to learn about and run the appropriate function.

Alternatively, run the functions from the Snippets panel, by loading the set for that folder:

You can CTRL+Click the individual Snippets to open them in Flash, or browse them in Komodo using the file browser.

Read the source code

If you really want to understand how the framework works, you can't beat reading the source code. Everything is pretty-well commented, and all methods have full parameter typing and commenting.

Not only will you see how the framework fits together, but hopefully you'll see modern JavaScript techniques in action.

Information on writing better JavaScript and JSFL can be found in the Coding section of the Appendix.


The best way to get interactive help, swap ideas, and see how other people are writing xJSFL is by using the forum. If you've never been a member of a forum before (surprisingly, this seems to be quite a few people) you'll find it an invaluable resource when you're stuck on something.

The forum is located at:

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