How big is xJSFL?


I have some code in my development folder that tells me how big the framework is at any one time, in terms of files and lines of code.

It lists:

  • All files
  • The total lines of JSFL / AS3 code found
  • The minimum lines (no white space or comments) of JSFL / AS3 code found

These are the results:

| name    | path                          | files | total lines | min lines |
| base    | xJSFL/                        |   332 |       65312 |     42358 |
| core    | xJSFL/core/                   |   233 |       60110 |     38430 |
| jsfl    | xJSFL/core/jsfl/              |    60 |       25926 |     17278 |
| as3     | xJSFL/core/as3/lib/com/xjsfl/ |    67 |        9604 |      7348 |
| modules | xJSFL/modules/                |    61 |        3032 |      2226 |
| user    | xJSFL/user/jsfl/              |    26 |        2003 |      1569 |

A few things to notice here:

  • There's around 18,000 lines of JSFL code in the xJSFL core. This compares to about 9000 lines of javaScript in jQuery, which arguably supplies much less functionality in the core package
  • The code written appears to be about 2/3 code, and 1/3 white space or comments. Whilst this seems like a lot, I am quite particular about making sure that all methods and parameters are commented, and that files are broken up with white space and additional headings to make them easy to read and navigate
  • The size has more of less doubled from about a year ago, which makes sense as there's a lot of new classes, and a lot of demo code included.

So there you go.

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