Utils (library)




The Utils library provides a static library of utility functions for accomplishing many different tasks in JSFL.



Object methods


Checks if the object is a true Object or not


  • obj Object Any object that needs to be checked if it's a true Object


  •   Boolean True or false

The following example compares various values against typeof to see if they are true objects or not:

var data = [];
var values =
	'undefined': undefined,
	'null':      null,
	'number':    1,
	'boolean':   true,
	'string':   'hello',
	'array':    [1, 2, 3],
	'object':   {a:1, b:2, c:3},
	'date':     new Date(),
	'template': new Template()

for(var name in values)
	data.push({name:name, 'typeof':typeof values[name], 'isObject':Utils.isObject(values[name])});

| name      | typeof    | isObject |
| undefined | undefined | false    |
| null      | object    | false    |
| number    | number    | false    |
| boolean   | boolean   | false    |
| string    | string    | false    |
| array     | object    | false    |
| object    | object    | true     |
| date      | object    | false    |
| template  | object    | true     |


Get an object's keys, or all the keys from an Array of Objects,


  • obj Object Any object with iterable properties
  • obj Array An Array of objects with iterable properties


  •   Array An array of key names

This example gets the keys from a single object:

Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:0, values:10, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	 0: "itemType"
	 1: "name"
	 2: "linkageExportForAS"
	 3: "linkageExportForRS"
	 4: "linkageImportForRS"
	 5: "linkageExportInFirstFrame"
	 6: "linkageIdentifier"
	 7: "linkageClassName"
	 8: "linkageBaseClass"
	 9: "linkageURL"

This example gets the unique keys from an Array of objects:

Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:0, values:17, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	 0: "itemType"
	 1: "name"
	 2: "linkageExportForAS"
	 3: "linkageExportForRS"
	 4: "linkageImportForRS"
	 5: "linkageExportInFirstFrame"
	 6: "linkageIdentifier"
	 7: "linkageClassName"
	 8: "linkageBaseClass"
	 9: "linkageURL"
	 10: "timeline"
	 11: "symbolType"
	 12: "sourceFilePath"
	 13: "sourceLibraryName"
	 14: "sourceAutoUpdate"
	 15: "scalingGrid"
	 16: "scalingGridRect"		


Clones and object


  • obj Object The object reference


  •   Object The object cloned

The following example compares the difference between reassigning and cloning an object:

var obj1 = {a:1, b:2, c:3};
var obj2 = obj1
var obj3 = Utils.clone(obj1);

obj1.a = 100; // update a value on the original object

inspect([obj1, obj2, obj3])
Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:3, values:9, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	[0] => Object
		 a: 100
		 b: 2
		 c: 3
	[1] => Object
		 a: 100
		 b: 2
		 c: 3
	[2] => Object
		 a: 1
		 b: 2

extend(obj, source)

Extends an object or array with more properties or elements,,


  • obj Object A source Object to be extended
  • source Object The properties to be added
  • obj Array A source Array to be extended
  • source Array The elements to be added


  •   Object The modified object
  •   Array The modified array

Extend an object with new properties:

Utils.extend({a:1, b:2, c:3}, {d:4, e:5, f:6});
{a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4, e:5, f:6}

Extend an array with new elements:

Utils.extend([1,2,3], [4,5,6]);
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

combine(keys, values)

Combines keys and values to make a new populated Object


  • keys Array An array of key names
  • keys String A string of key names
  • values Array An array of values


  •   Object An Object containing the values assigned to keys

The following example combines:

var keys = ['one', 'two', 'three']
var keys = 'one, two, three'; // alternative format - words are split on commas and trimmed
var values = [1, 2, 3];
inspect(Utils.combine(keys, values));	
Inspect: Object (depth:4, objects:0, values:3, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	 one: 1
	 two: 2
	 three: 3

makeHash(obj, defaultValue)

Makes a Hash object from a source value


  • obj String An anything delimited string of words
  • obj Array An array of words
  • obj Object Any iterable object or instance
  • defaultValue Value An optional default value for the hash's keys. Defaults to false


  •   Object An Object of name:true pairs

The following example :

var keys = 'option1, option2, option3';
var hash = Utils.makeHash(keys);
Inspect: Object (depth:4, objects:0, values:3, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	 option1: false
	 option2: false
	 option3: false

Alternatively, you can pass in any object with existing properties, and use them as the basis for your new hash:

var hash = Utils.makeHash(new LibraryItem(), null);
Inspect: Object (depth:4, objects:0, values:11, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	 itemType: null
	 name: null
	 linkageExportForAS: null
	 linkageExportForRS: null
	 linkageImportForRS: null
	 linkageExportInFirstFrame: null
	 linkageIdentifier: null
	 linkageClassName: null
	 linkageBaseClass: null
	 linkageURL: null
	 shortName: null	

walk(rootElement, fnChild, fnContents, scope)

Generic function to recurse a data structure, processing nodes and children with callbacks


  • rootElement Object The root element to start processing on
  • fnChild Function A callback function to call on child elements
  • fnContents Function An optional callback function which should return an object which can be processed for its contents, i.e. folder.contents
  • scope Object An optional Object on which to appy "this" scope to


  •   value The result of the passed fnChild function

The following example walks both an Array and an Object:

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6, 7, 8, [9, 10, 11, 12, 13], 14, 15, 16, 17], 18, 19, 20, 21];
var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4, e:{a:5, b:6, c:7, d:8, e:{a:9, b:10, c:11, d:12, e:13}, f:14, g:15, h:16, i:17}, f:18, g:19, h:20, i:21 };

function process(value, index, depth)
	trace('\t'.repeat(depth) + '[' +index+ '] ' + '"' + value + '"');

Utils.walk(arr, processChild);
[0] "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21"
	[0] "1"
	[1] "2"
	[2] "3"
	[3] "4"
	[4] "5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17"
		[0] "5"
		[1] "6"
		[2] "7"
		[3] "8"
		[4] "9,10,11,12,13"
			[0] "9"
			[1] "10"
			[2] "11"
			[3] "12"
			[4] "13"
		[5] "14"
		[6] "15"
		[7] "16"
		[8] "17"
	[5] "18"
	[6] "19"
	[7] "20"
	[8] "21"
[0] "[object Object]"
	[a] "1"
	[b] "2"
	[c] "3"
	[d] "4"
	[e] "[object Object]"
		[a] "5"
		[b] "6"
		[c] "7"
		[d] "8"
		[e] "[object Object]"
			[a] "9"
			[b] "10"
			[c] "11"
			[d] "12"
			[e] "13"
		[f] "14"
		[g] "15"
		[h] "16"
		[i] "17"
	[f] "18"
	[g] "19"
	[h] "20"
	[i] "21"

You can also provide a second function, that can be used to get the contents of custom objects should they not be interable using a standard loop.

This example processes the contents of Folder objects on the hard drive:

// the function to process the children
	function process(element, index, depth)
		trace ('\t'.repeat(depth) + '/' + element.name);

// the function to identify the children
	function getContents(element)
		return element instanceof Folder ? element.contents : null;

// start processing
	var folder = new Folder('{user}temp/');
	Utils.walk (folder, process, getContents)
	/some file.as
	/test copy.txt

OOP methods


A better typeof function


  • obj Object Any object or value


  •   String The type of the object

The typeof operator in JavaScript is a little unreliable about what it returns, so geType() attempts to do a better job of it.

The following example gets the type for a variety of input values (and also demonstrates Utils.getClass()):

var data = [];
var values =
	// null
		'undefined' : undefined,
		'null'      : null,

	// Native
		'Number'    : 1,
		'Boolean'   : true,
		'String'    : 'hello',
		'RegExp'    : /a-z/,
		'Array'     : [1, 2, 3],
		'Object'    : {a:1, b:2, c:3},
		'Function'  : function(){},
		'XML'       : <a value="1" />,
		'Error'     : new Error(),
		'Date'      : new Date(),
		'Math'      : Math,
		'Window'    : window,

	// JSFL
		'Timeline'  : $timeline,
		'Document'  : $dom,

	// xJSFL
		'JSON'      : JSON,
		'Template'  : new Template(),
		'Timer'     : new Timer(),

for(var name in values)
			'typeof':typeof values[name],

| value     | Object.toString                                       | typeof    | Utils.getType | Utils.getClass |
| undefined | undefined                                             | undefined | undefined     | null           |
| null      | null                                                  | object    | null          | null           |
| Number    | 1                                                     | number    | number        | Number         |
| Boolean   | true                                                  | boolean   | boolean       | Boolean        |
| String    | hello                                                 | string    | string        | String         |
| RegExp    | /a-z/                                                 | function  | regexp        | RegExp         |
| Array     | 1,2,3                                                 | object    | array         | Array          |
| Object    | [object Object]                                       | object    | object        | Object         |
| Function  | function () {...                                      | function  | function      | Function       |
| XML       | <root>...                                             | xml       | xml           | XML            |
| Error     | Error                                                 | object    | error         | Error          |
| Date      | Wed Aug 08 2012 21:07:30 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) | object    | date          | Date           |
| Math      | [object Math]                                         | object    | math          | Math           |
| window    | [object Window]                                       | object    | window        | Window         |
| Timeline  | [object Timeline]                                     | object    | timeline      | Timeline       |
| Document  | [object Document]                                     | object    | document      | Document       |
| JSON      | [class JSON]                                          | object    | object        | JSON           |
| Template  | [object Template path=""]                             | object    | object        | Template       |
| Timer     | [object Timer time="0 milliseconds"]                  | object    | object        | Timer          |


Attempts to get the class of an object as a string.


  • value value Any value


  •   String The class name of the value i.e. 'String', 'Date', 'CustomClass'

The getClass() method attempts to get the class name of an object using a variety of methods:

  1. The native class of an object, i.e. Number, String, Date
  2. The value contained within the object's toString() method, where the return value is of the format [object ClassName ... ]
  3. The name of the function used to construct the object
  4. Defaults to Object or returns null if the value is null or undefined

See the example above in Utils.getType() for the comparison between typeof, Utils.getType() and Utils.getClass().

getPrototypeChain(obj, includeSource)

Gets the prototype chain of an object


  • obj Object An instantiated object
  • includeSource Boolean An optional Boolean to include the original object


  •   Array An Array of the original instantation object

The following example gets the prototype chain for an ElementCollection:

var collection = $('*');
inspect(Utils.getPrototypeChain(collection), 1);	
Inspect: Array (depth:1, objects:5, values:0, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	[0] => ElementCollection
	[1] => Collection
	[2] => Object
	[3] => Object
	[4] => Object

getArguments(args, startIndex, endIndex)

Get the arguments of a function as an Array


  • args Arguments An arguments object
  • startIndex Number Optional index of the argument from which to start from
  • endIndex Number Optional index of the argument at which to end


  •   Array An Array of parameters

Often in callback functions, or when using Function.apply() you'll need the arguments of the current function as an Array.

The following example grabs arguments b and c as a 2-element Array:

function test(a, b, c, d)
	var values = Utils.getArguments(arguments, 1, 3);
[5, 6]		

getParams(fn, args)

Get the arguments of a function as an Object


  • fn Function A function
  • args Arguments The function instance's arguments


  •   Object An object containing the named function arguments

The following example gets the named parameters of a function call:

function test(a, b, c, d, e)
	inspect(Utils.getParams(test, arguments));

test(1, 2, 3);
Inspect: Object (depth:4, objects:0, values:5, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	 a: 1
	 b: 2
	 c: 3
	 d: undefined
	 e: undefined	


Parses a function source into an object


  • fn Function A reference to a function
  • name String An optional name function for anonymous functions


  •   Object An Object with name and params properties

The following example parses a function into component parts:

inspect(Utils.parseFunction(inspect, 'inspect'));	
Inspect: Object (depth:4, objects:1, values:8, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	 signature: "function (obj, $depth, $label, $functions, $options, $callback)"
	 name: "inspect"
	[params] => Array
		 0: "obj"
		 1: "$depth"
		 2: "$label"
		 3: "$functions"
		 4: "$options"
		 5: "$callback"

Array methods


Checks if the object is a true Array or not


  • obj Object Any object that needs to be checked if it's a true Array


  •   Boolean True or false

This method is useful when checking Array-like objects, for example function arguments or Array subclasses:

function test()
test(1, 2, 3);

toArray(value, delim)

Turns a single string of tokens into an array of trimmed tokens, by splitting at non-word characters, or a supplied delimiter,,It either returns an existing array, splits a string at delimiters, or wraps the single value in an array,


  • value String A string
  • delim RegExp An optional RegExp with which to split the input string, defaults to any non-word character
  • delim String An optional character with which to split the string


  •   Array A new Array

This example trims and splits a string on non-word characters, the default:

Utils.toArray('  one | two  |   three |  four    |  five  ');
['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']

toUniqueArray(arr, prop)

Returns a unique array without any duplicate items,


  • arr Array Any array
  • prop String An optional property (if an Array of Objects is passed) to compare against


  •   Array A unique array

This example returns a unique array from the supplied argument:

[1, 2, 3, 4]

sort(arr, reverse, caseInsensitive)

Basic numeric Array sort function (native sort() sorts by string)


  • arr Array An array to sort
  • reverse Boolean An optional flag to sort in reverse (descending) order
  • caseInsensitive Boolean An optional flag to sort case insensitively


  •   Array The sorted Array

The standard Array.sort() sorts alphabetically only, whereas this methods sorts numerically.

The following example sorts an array of random numbers in reverse:

sort([1,5,2,9,13,6], true);
13, 9, 6, 5, 2, 1

sortOn(arr, prop, alpha)

Optimized Array sortOn method, for sorting Arrays by child property. This function modifies the input Array


  • arr Array An Array of Objects
  • prop String A property name to sort on; defaults to 'name'
  • alpha Boolean An optional flag to sort alphabetically


  •   Array The sorted Array)

This example sorts the library items array, which by default is unsorted:

var items = $library.items;
Utils.sortOn(items, 'name');

diff(arr1, arr2, type)

Returns the difference between two arrays


  • arr1 Array The first Array
  • arr2 Array The second Array
  • type Number An optional index to change the returned elements: -1 for array 1 elements not found in array 2, 0 for those found in both, and 1 for those in array 2 not found in array 1; defaults to -1


  •   Array The resulting Array

The following example traces the various differences between 2 Arrays:

var A = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
var B =         [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12];

trace('Only A : ' + Utils.diff(A, B, -1));
trace('Common : ' + Utils.diff(A, B, 0));
trace('Only B : ' + Utils.diff(A, B, 1));
Only A : 1,2,3,4
Common : 5,6,7,8
Only B : 9,10,11,12

Value methods

getValues(input, prop, option)

Get an Array of values from an Object, or an Array of Arrays/Objects from an Array of Objects,


  • input Array An Object or an array of Objects
  • prop String The name of a property to collect
  • prop Function A callback function of the format function propertyName(element){ return element.property }
  • prop Array The names of properties to collect
  • prop Boolean A Boolean indicates you want to collect ALL properties
  • option Boolean If passing and returning a single object, pass true to make it unique. If returning a 2D array, pass true to return Objects


  •   Array A new 1D or 2D Array

This method is a fairly powerful solution to grabbing nested values from Objects or elements inside Arrays, and is useful for analysis, collection and filtering of multiple objects and their properties.

This example gets the names of the items in the library:

Utils.getValues(items, 'name');

This example gets several properties of items in the library:

Utils.getValues(items, ['name','itemType']);
Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:5, values:10, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	[0] => Array
		 0: "items"
		 1: "folder"
	[1] => Array
		 0: "items/Button"
		 1: "button"
	[2] => Array
		 0: "items/Folder"
		 1: "folder"
	[3] => Array
		 0: "items/Graphic"
		 1: "graphic"
	[4] => Array
		 0: "items/MovieClip"
		 1: "movie clip"

This example gets several properties of items in the library, but returns them as objects:

Utils.getValues(items, ['name','itemType'], true);
Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:5, values:10, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	[0] => Object
		 name: "items"
		 itemType: "folder"
	[1] => Object
		 name: "items/Button"
		 itemType: "button"
	[2] => Object
		 name: "items/Folder"
		 itemType: "folder"
	[3] => Object
		 name: "items/Graphic"
		 itemType: "graphic"
	[4] => Object
		 name: "items/MovieClip"
		 itemType: "movie clip"

The final example is in regard to using a callback, instead of a straight object property name.

You'd use a callback primarily when you want to get a sub-property of an object, for example, not an element's libraryItem instance, but the name of the libraryItem's instance, as passing "libraryItem.name" in as a key simply won't work.

This example uses a callback to an element's library item's (if it has one) name:

function getLibraryItemName(element)
    return element.libraryItem ? element.libraryItem.name : undefined;
Utils.getValues(elements, ['name', getLibraryItemName]);
Inspect: Array (depth:2, objects:4, values:8, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	[0] => Array
		 0: "green_star"
		 1: "star"
	[1] => Array
		 0: "grey_oval"
		 1: "oval"
	[2] => Array
		 0: "red_rectangle"
		 1: "rectangle"
	[3] => Array
		 0: "purple_oval"
		 1: "oval"

Note that if using callback functions, and returning an object, the function name will be used as the sub-property key. If supplying a closure, pass a named (rather than an anonymous function) like so:

Utils.getValues(elements, ['name', function libraryItem(element){return element.libraryItem ? element.libraryItem.name : undefined;}], true);
Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:4, values:8, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	[0] => Object
		 name: "green_star"
		 libraryItem: "star"
	[1] => Object
		 name: "grey_oval"
		 libraryItem: "oval"
	[2] => Object
		 name: "red_rectangle"
		 libraryItem: "rectangle"
	[3] => Object
		 name: "purple_oval"
		 libraryItem: "oval"		

getNearestValue(values, value, returnIndex)

Gets the nearest value to a target value from an array of values


  • values Array An Array of values
  • value Number A single numeric value
  • returnIndex Number An optional Boolean to return the index rather than the value


  •   Number A value or index

The following example gets the nearest value to the correct value required for kbs for teh Flash publish profile:

var kbs	= [8, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 112, 128, 160];
var value = Utils.getNearestValue(kbs, 28);

getExtremeValues(elements, prop, returnElement)

Comparison function to get a max or min value within an array of objects


  • elements Array An Array of objects with named properties
  • prop String The property to test
  • returnElements Boolean An optional flag to return the element, rather than the value


  •   Array A 2-element Array containing the min and max values, or min and max elements

The following example grabs the min and max widths from the selection:

var values      = Utils.getExtremeValues($selection, 'width');
Inspect: Array (depth:2, objects:0, values:2, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	 0: 4.9
	 1: 78

The following example grabs the widest and narrowest elements in the selection, then makes those elements the new selection:

var elements    = Utils.getExtremeValues($selection, 'width', true)
$selection      = elements;
List: Array (depth:1, objects:0, values:2, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	 0: "Item_04"
	 1: "Item_01"

getDeepValue(obj, path)

Gets properties from an object's namespace via a dot.syntax.path String


  • obj Object The root object from which to extract the deep value
  • path String The dot-path to an existing object property


  •   Value The value of the property, if it exists

The following example gets the frame count of the first item in the library:

Utils.getDeepValue($library.items[0], 'timeline.frameCount');

setDeepValue(obj, path, properties)

Add nested properties to an object's namespace via a dot.syntax.path String


  • obj Object The root object on which to create the deep value
  • path String A dot-syntax path to a new object property
  • properties Object An object or value to add to the new namespace

This method safely extends any Object or instance with new properties, without first having to check each level for the existance of a parent object. It affords the developer a is a quick and safe way to build object hierarchies.

The following example extends a native Object with a new hierarchy and child properties:

var obj = {};
Utils.setDeepValue(obj, 'a.b.c', {x:1, y:2, z:3});
Inspect: Object (depth:5, objects:3, values:3, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object
	[a] => Object
		[b] => Object
			[c] => Object
				 x: 1
				 y: 2
				 z: 3

randomizeValue(value, modifier)

Randomnly modify a seed value with a secondary modifier component


  • value Number A value to modify
  • modifier Number An optional modifier component with which to modify the original value
  • modifier String An optional modifier component with which to modify the original value, with optional leading +,-,* or a trailing %


  •   Number The modified value

The randomize() method modifies the seed value using a numeric scalar, or String expression of the format operator, value, percent, for example:

10     // add or subtract up to 10, both + and -
"10"   // add or subtract up to 10, overall
"+25"  // add up to 25
"-1.3" // subtract up to -1.3
"+25%" // add up to 25% to the value
"*50%" // multiply by up to 50%

This expression is then used to modify the original value, as follows:

Numeric value format:

  • n 25 0 - 25 on either side of the original value
  • -n -25 0 - 25 less than the original value

Numeric expression format:

  • n "25" 0 - 12.5 on either side of the original value
  • +n "+25" 0 - 25 more than the original value
  • -n "-25" 0 - 25 less than the original value
  • *n "*2" 0 - double the original value
  • /n "/2" 0 - 1/2 of the original value

Percentage expression format:

  • n% "25%" 75% - 125% of the original value (25% either side)
  • +n% "+25%" 100% - 125% of the original value
  • -n% "-25%" 75% - 100% of the original value
  • *n% "*25%" 0% - 25% of than the original value
  • /n% "/25%" 0% - 400% of the original value

The following are examples of modifying values:

// numeric value
Utils.randomizeValue(100, 25);     // 116.36332936040048
Utils.randomizeValue(100, -25);    // 83.36330620920405

// numeric expressions
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "25");   // 111.75086500690269
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "+25");  // 119.05169580381472
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "-25");  // 78.89110620920405
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "*2");   // 191.11471736876952
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "/2");   // 20.64621360510172

// percentage expressions
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "25%");  // 101.85976300353933
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "+25%"); // 115.88694308440219
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "-25%"); // 88.5689837135059
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "*25%"); // 11.563594997061665
Utils.randomizeValue(100, "/25%"); // 358.00429033663547		

randomValue(a, b, round)

Get a random value between 2 numbers


  • a Array A 2-element array defining the lower and upper limits
  • a Number The lower limit of the range
  • b Number The lower limit of the range
  • round Number An optional Boolean to round to the nearest integer value


  •   Number A number between a and b

The following example grabs a random number between 100 and 200:

Utils.randomValue(100, 200);

String methods

pad(value, length, chr, right)

Pads a value to a certain length with a specific character


  • value Value Any value
  • length Number An optional length, defaults to 6
  • chr String An optional padding character, defaults to 0
  • right Boolean An optional flag to pad to the right, rather than the left


  •   String The padded value

The following example uses the defaults to pad a number to 6 digits:

trace(Utils.pad(1, 5));		

The following example pads a string with right-hand padding:

trace('"' + Utils.pad('Hello', 20, ' ', true) + '"');		
"Hello               "

columnizeText(text, padding, delimiter, useSpaces, tabWidth)

Converts a delimited block of text to tab-separated columns



  • text String The block of text to tabify
  • padding Number An optional amount of tabs to pad each column by. Defaults to 0
  • delimiter String An optional delimiter (can also be a RegExp) to split the columns on. Defaults to '\t'
  • useSpaces Boolean An optional Boolean to use spaces instead of tabs. Defaults to false
  • tabWidth Number An optional system tab width. Defaults to 4


  •   String The columnized output

Sometimes when generating output, it's useful to have declarations in columns, such as CSV output or perhaps variable declarations, and this method allows you to do that.

It takes a block of text (a string), and determines the columns based on a delimiter character, then outputs the same text with the space between the rows expanded to create a grid of text.

The following example demonstrates taking some comma-delimited text and converting to tabular format:

var data = <xml>
	1,Queen,Bohemian Rhapsody,1975
	2,John Lennon,Imagine,1980
	3,Robbie Williams,Angels,1997
	4,Beatles,Hey Jude,1968
	5,Nirvana,Smells Like Teen Spirit,1991
	6,Oasis,Live Forever,1994
	9,Verve,Bitter Sweet Symphony,1997
	10,U2,With Or Without You,1987
trace(Utils.columnizeText(data, 0, ','));
Rank	Artist			Song					Year
1		Queen			Bohemian Rhapsody		1975
2		John Lennon		Imagine					1980
3		Robbie Williams	Angels					1997
4		Beatles			Hey Jude				1968
5		Nirvana			Smells Like Teen Spirit	1991
6		Oasis			Live Forever			1994
7		Oasis			Wonderwall				1995
8		U2				One						1992
9		Verve			Bitter Sweet Symphony	1997
10		U2				With Or Without You		1987

The following example (more relevent to coding!) generates ActionScript 3.0 declarations in columns, for Bitmap items in the library:

function process(element)
	var name	= element.shortName.replace(/\.\w+$/, '').toCamelCase();
	var type	= ActionScript.getClass(element, true);
	text     	+= 'var {name}\t:Sound\t= new {type}();\n'.inject(name, type);

var text = '';

trace('import sounds.*;\n')
import sounds.*;

var damage		:Sound	= new Damage();
var explosion	:Sound	= new Explosion();
var laserShoot	:Sound	= new Laser();
var notify		:Sound	= new Notify();
var powerUp		:Sound	= new PowerUp();
Note that the above code demos in some browsers may show spaces; this is not the case in JSFL, unless the useSpaces parameter is set to true!

parseValue(value, trim)

Parse any string into a real datatype. Supports Number, Boolean, hex (0x or #), XML, XMLList, Array notation, Object notation, JSON, Date, undefined, null


  • value String An input string
  • trim Boolean An optional flag to trim the string, on by default


  •   Mixed The parsed value of the original value

Often when dealing with text files, XUL instances, XML, or other external sources, you need to parse text data into their correct datatypes. If you know the datatype you can cast or convert directly to the required type, but if you don't or you want a single function to do the casting, parseValue() is your best friend. It supports:

  • Number
  • Boolean
  • hex (0x or #)
  • XML
  • Array notation
  • Object notation
  • JSON
  • Date
  • undefined
  • null

The following example converts various strings to their real-word datatypes:

Utils.parseValue('2.1');            // 2.2
Utils.parseValue('2.0');            // 2
Utils.parseValue('TRUE');           // true
Utils.parseValue('#FF0000');        // 16711680
Utils.parseValue('0xFF0000');       // 16711680
Utils.parseValue('<xml a="1" />');  // <xml a="1" />
Utils.parseValue('[1,2,3]');        // [1, 2, 3]
Utils.parseValue('{"a":1}');        // {a:1}
Utils.parseValue('Jan 01 2011');    // Sat Jan 01 20011 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
Utils.parseValue('undefined');      // undefined
Utils.parseValue('');               // null

parseExpression(expression, delimiter, nestStart, nestEnd)

Parses a compound CSS (or CSS-like) expression into single elements, respecting :nested(:tokens, [like=these,ones])


  • expression String A CSS or otherwise comma-delimited string
  • delimiter String An optional delimiter character(s) to split the string on. Defaults to ","
  • nestStart String An optional opening character(s) to start ignoring splits, i.e. "(". Defaults to "([{"
  • nestEnd String An optional closing character(s) to stop ignoring splits, i.e. ")". Defaults to "}])"


  •   Array An Array of String elements

The parseExpression function is mainly used internally to the framework to parse out discrete components from comma-delimited CSS and XUL Control shorthand expressions, which cannot reliably be accomplished with RegularExpressions because of nesting concerns.

The following example demonstrates splitting a complex XUL expression, versus parsing it:

var expression	= 'title:Create Bitmap definitions,columns:[120,200],dropdown:Options={one:1,two:2,three:3},checkbox:Selected Only=true'
var controls1	= expression.split(',');
var controls2	= Utils.parseExpression(expression);

inspect(controls1, 'Split');
inspect(controls2, 'Parse');

Splitting is bad, as it doesn't respect the nested groups:

Split: Array (depth:4, objects:0, values:7, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	 0: "title:Create Bitmap definitions"
	 1: "columns:[120"
	 2: "200]"
	 3: "dropdown:Options={one:1"
	 4: "two:2"
	 5: "three:3}"
	 6: "checkbox:Selected Only=true"

However, parsing respects the nested identifiers such as (), [], and {}:

Parse: Array (depth:4, objects:0, values:4, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	 0: "title:Create Bitmap definitions"
	 1: "columns:[120,200]"
	 2: "dropdown:Options={one:1,two:2,three:3}"
	 3: "checkbox:Selected Only=true

RegExp methods

match(str, rxGlobal, matchNames, captureIndex)

Performs a global RegExp match but returns a 2D Array of local match Arrays, or Objects if matchNames are supplied


  • str String The string to be matched
  • rx RegExp A RegExp object or literal
  • params String An optional comma-delimited string of local match names
  • params Array An optional Array of local match names
  • captureIndex Boolean An optional Boolean to store the index of the global matches


  •   Array An Array of local match Arrays or Objects

This method saves you running 2 separate RegExp loops to extract both global and local matchs, and also packages assigning match values to named properties.

The following example matches object methods from the source of the Event.jsfl file in the framework core, and passes in names that the parameter:

var contents = new File('//core/jsfl/libraries/flash/Events.jsfl').contents;
var rx       = /(\w+):function\((.*)\)/;

var matches  = Utils.match(contents, rx, ['name', 'arguments']);
Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:6, values:18, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	[0] => Object
		 match: "add:function(type, callback, name, scope)"
		 name: "add"
		 arguments: "type, callback, name, scope"
	[1] => Object
		 match: "remove:function(type, name)"
		 name: "remove"
		 arguments: "type, name"
	[2] => Object
		 match: "removeAll:function(type)"
		 name: "removeAll"
		 arguments: "type"
	[3] => Object
		 match: "get:function(type, name)"
		 name: "get"
		 arguments: "type, name"
	[4] => Object
		 match: "toString:function()"
		 name: "toString"
		 arguments: ""
	[5] => Object
		 match: "fire:function(event)"
		 name: "fire"
		 arguments: "event"

As you can see in this example, the returned 2D Array of match objects can be both iterated over, and the matches used, much more conveniently than numbered match indices:

for each(var match in matches)
    format('{name} => {arguments}', match.name, match.arguments);
add => type, callback, name, scope
remove => type, name
removeAll => type
get => type, name
toString =>
fire => event


Escapes a string for use in RegExp constructors


  • value String The string to be RegExp escaped


  •   String The escaped string

The following example escapes a string to be used in a RegExp constructor:



Unescapes a string used in RegExp constructors


  • value String The string to be RegExp escaped


  •   String The unescaped string

The following example unescapes an escaped RegExp string:



Converts a wildcard (*) string into a non-greedy RegExp


  • value String The wildcard string to convert
  • exactMatch Boolean An optional Boolean to force an exact match


  •   RegExp The new RegExp

The following example creates a RegExp match from a wildcard String, which could be used to match filenames:

var rx = Utils.makeWildcard('core/*.*', true);

File and URI methods

glob(pathOrURI, pattern, searchableOnly, debug)

Returns a list of URIs for a glob string


  • globPathOrURI String The path or URI to the folder to search, including the wildcard pattern, * = any character, ** = files recursive, ** / (no space!) folders recursive. Defaults to '*'
  • searchableOnly Boolean An optional Boolean to respect any folders with file manifests that set themselves as non-searchable
  • asPaths Boolean An optional Boolean to return paths not URIs
  • debug Boolean An optional Boolean to print debugging information about the generated RegExp
  • debug Object An optional Object to return debugging information about the generated RegExp


  •   Array An Array of URI strings

Globbing is a powerful technique borrowed from Unix and PHP in order to match file paths by way of wildcard pattern matching. It allows developers to match files, folders and subfolders with a fairly simple syntax.

xJSFL has a slightly simpler implementation than the full glob implementation, and uses only stars (*) and double-stars (**) to match same-level and recursive-level elements. Both stars and double-stars are "expanded" during the match, that is, they match all characters of a path, with the double-star token matching / characters as well.

Put simply, the syntax is:

*				// a single star matches files and folders
*.*				// a single star and a dot and a star matches files only (those with an extension)
/				// a trailing slash matches folders only
**				// a double-star matches all characters (including /), making the search recursive

These can be combined with each other as follows:

*				// a single star matches files and folders in the current folder
*/				// a single star and a trailing slash matches only folders in the current folder
*.*				// a single star with a dot and a star matches all files in the current folder

**				// double-stars match files and folders recursively
**/				// double-stars and a trailing slash match only folders recursively
**.*			// double-stars with a dot and a star match only files recursively

And they can (and should) also be mixed with other characters, to return more complex matches:

*.jsfl			// match all jsfl files in the current folder
t*/				// match only folders that start with "t" in the current folder
*asset*			// match any files or folders that contain the word "asset" in the current folder

**.png			// match all PNG files in the current and sub folders
**/*.png		// match all PNG files in sub folders
**/*assets/		// match all folders with the suffix "assets" in any sub folders
assets/**.*		// match all files from the assets folder or its children

Utils.glob() uses URI.toURI() internally, so supports all its functionality like placeholder tokens and relative paths, meaning that you can pass a variety of glob paths in:

Utils.glob('*');					// files and folders in the current file's folder
Utils.glob('../*.*');				// files in the current file's parent folder
Utils.glob('c:/temp/**/');			// all folders under the absolute path c:/temp/
Utils.glob('file:///c|/temp/**');	// all files and folders under the absolute URI c:/temp/
Utils.glob('{user}**');				// all files and folders in the xJSFL user folder

The following example creates a variety of simple glob patterns (all from the same root folder) and inspects their results:

// define patterns
	var patterns =
		files:			'c:/test/*.*',
		folders:		'c:/test/*/',
		allRecursive:	'c:/test/**',
		allImages:		'c:/test/**.png',
		allVideos:		'c:/test/**.flv',
		allFolders:		'c:/test/**/',
		allAssets:		'c:/test/assets/**.*',
		allCustom:		'c:/test/**a*',

// get results
	var results = {};
	for(var name in patterns)
		var path	= patterns[name];
		var pattern	= path.replace('c:/test/', '');
		results[name + ': "' +pattern+ '"'] = Utils.glob(path, false, true);

// inspect

In the following results, the glob patterns have been highlighted in red:

Inspect: Object (depth:4, objects:9, values:57, time:0.0 seconds)
object => Object

	[files: "*.*"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/read me.txt"

	[folders: "*/"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/assets/"
		 1: "c:/test/jsfl/"

	[filesAndFolders: "*"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/assets/"
		 1: "c:/test/jsfl/"
		 2: "c:/test/read me.txt"

	[allRecursive: "**"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/assets/"
		 1: "c:/test/assets/images/"
		 2: "c:/test/assets/images/image 1.png"
		 3: "c:/test/assets/images/image 2.png"
		 4: "c:/test/assets/images/image 3.png"
		 5: "c:/test/assets/videos/"
		 6: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/"
		 7: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 4.flv"
		 8: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 5.flv"
		 9: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 6.flv"
		 10: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 1.flv"
		 11: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 2.flv"
		 12: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 3.flv"
		 13: "c:/test/jsfl/"
		 14: "c:/test/jsfl/files.jsfl"
		 15: "c:/test/jsfl/libraries/"
		 16: "c:/test/jsfl/libraries/animation tools.jsfl"
		 17: "c:/test/jsfl/libraries/custom functions.jsfl"
		 18: "c:/test/jsfl/main.jsfl"
		 19: "c:/test/jsfl/ui.jsfl"
		 20: "c:/test/read me.txt"

	[allImages: "**.png"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/assets/images/image 1.png"
		 1: "c:/test/assets/images/image 2.png"
		 2: "c:/test/assets/images/image 3.png"

	[allVideos: "**.flv"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 4.flv"
		 1: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 5.flv"
		 2: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 6.flv"
		 3: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 1.flv"
		 4: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 2.flv"
		 5: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 3.flv"

	[allFolders: "**/"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/assets/"
		 1: "c:/test/assets/images/"
		 2: "c:/test/assets/videos/"
		 3: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/"
		 4: "c:/test/jsfl/"
		 5: "c:/test/jsfl/libraries/"

	[allAssets: "assets/**.*"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/assets/images/image 1.png"
		 1: "c:/test/assets/images/image 2.png"
		 2: "c:/test/assets/images/image 3.png"
		 3: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 4.flv"
		 4: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 5.flv"
		 5: "c:/test/assets/videos/backup/video 6.flv"
		 6: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 1.flv"
		 7: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 2.flv"
		 8: "c:/test/assets/videos/video 3.flv"

	[allCustom: "**a*"] => Array
		 0: "c:/test/assets/images/image 1.png"
		 1: "c:/test/assets/images/image 2.png"
		 2: "c:/test/assets/images/image 3.png"
		 3: "c:/test/jsfl/libraries/animation tools.jsfl"
		 4: "c:/test/jsfl/main.jsfl"
		 5: "c:/test/read me.txt"

The Code Examples module also has some sample glob code in:

xJSFL/modules/Code Examples/jsfl/utils/glob.jsfl

getURIs(folder, $depth, $filesOnly, $filter, $extensions)

Returns a list of URIs for a given glob path, folder reference and optional condition


  • folder String An absolute or relative folder path or URI (wildcards allowed)
  • folder Folder A valid Folder instance
  • folder URI A valid URI instance
  • $depth Number An optional max depth to search to
  • $filesOnly Boolean An optional Boolean to get files only
  • $filter RegExp A RegExp to match each URI


  •   Array An Array of URIs

Get URIs is used to grab URIs from a folder and its subfolders.

The following example :

Utils.getURIs(folder, $depth, $filesOnly, $filter, $extensions);



Returns the first valid path or URI from an Array of paths and/or URIs


  • pathsOrURIs Array An array of paths or URIs


  •   String A URI-formatted String

This function is useful when you're working across various machines in a studio, and you need to ensure to get a base path.

The following example checks 3 paths, and returns the last one:

var uris =
	'file:///X|/server/path to/another/folder/',

var uri = Utils.getFirstValidURI(uris);

getSearchableURIs(pathOrURI, itemType, returnPaths)

Returns URIs which are searchable as defined within manifest.xml files in parent folders


  • pathOrURI String A valid path or URI
  • itemType String An optional String, 'files', 'folders' or 'all', defaults to 'all'
  • returnPaths Boolean An optional Boolean to return only the dowstream path segments


  •   Array A URIList instance of the collected URIs / paths

The following example gets all searchable folders from the Snippets folder. Note that the assets/icons/ folder was skipped, as it contains a manifest.xml file with the folder.searchable node set to false:

var uris = Utils.getSearchableURIs('//modules/Snippets/', 'folders');
Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:0, values:11, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	 0: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/"
	 1: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/assets/"
	 2: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/assets/templates/"
	 3: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/assets/templates/jsfl/"
	 4: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/config/"
	 5: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/config/snippets/"
	 6: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/flash/"
	 7: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/flash/WindowSWF/"
	 8: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/jsfl/"
	 9: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/jsfl/libraries/"
	 10: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/ui/"


Checks is a folder is searchable, depending on its manifest


  • pathOrURI String A valid path or URI


  •   Boolean true or false depending on the result

The following example grabs the URIs within Snippets/assets/ and checks which of them are searchable (icons and source are both set to be non-searchable as they have so many files):

var uris = Utils.getURIs('//modules/Snippets/assets/');
for each(uri in uris)
	format('{uri} => {state}', URI.toPath(uri, true), Utils.isSearchable(uri));
E:/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/assets/icons/ => false
E:/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/assets/source/ => false
E:/Projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/assets/templates/ => true

walkFolder(folder, $callback, $maxDepth, $returnURIs)

Recursively trawl a folder's contents, optionally calling a callback per element


  • folder String The path or uri to a valid folder
  • folder Folder A valid Folder instance
  • folder URI A valid URI instance
  • $callback Function An optional callback of the format callback(element, index, depth, indent) to call on each element. Return false to skip processing of that element. Return true to cancel all iteration.
  • $maxDepth Number An optional max depth to recurse to, defaults to 100
  • $returnURIs Boolean An optional Boolean to return all parsed URIs


  •   String The URI of the current element if the callback returns true
  •   Array An array of URIs or paths if returnURIs is set as true

Recurse folder provides a standard method to recurse folders, with its default functionality returning an Array of all file paths. It can also be passed a callback function in order to process each file and folder it iterates over.

Note that $ arguments may passed in any order as they are different data types.

Default action

The following example lists the contents of the c:/temp/test folder:

var paths = Utils.walkFolder('c:/temp/test');
c:/temp/test/a folder
c:/temp/test/a folder/another folder
c:/temp/test/a folder/another folder/test.jsfl
c:/temp/test/a folder/test.fla
c:/temp/test/a folder/test.txt
c:/temp/test/some file.as
c:/temp/test/test copy.txt
Using a callback

The following example supplies a callback with which to process the items it iterates over:

function callback(element, index, level, indent)
	trace (indent + '/' + element.name);

Utils.walkFolder('c:/temp/test/', callback);
    /a folder
        /another folder
    /some file.as
    /test copy.txt

Skipping file or folder items

The following example shows how files and folders can be skipped by returning a Boolean false from the callback function, in this case if they have the letter "a" in their name (skipping a folder will also skip any files or folders in that folder):

function callback(element, index, level, indent)
    return element.name.indexOf('a') == -1;

var paths = Utils.walkFolder('c:/temp/test/', callback);
c:/temp/test/test copy.txt

Note that the element parameter of the callback will always be a File or Folder instance, so you can access any properties of those classes.


Returns a multiline string, showing the file/folder hierarchy of an input array of paths or URIs


  • source String A path or URI
  • source Array An array of paths or URIs


  •   String The hierarchial representation

The following example traces out a tree of the user's JSFL folder:

		/PNG sequence to SWF.jsfl
		/Propogate element names across frames.jsfl
			/Declare stage instances.jsfl
			/Export SWC.jsfl
			/Export class definitions.jsfl
			/Execute JSFL.jsfl
			/Inspect built-in object.jsfl
			/Inspect variable.jsfl
			/Change Module Panel publish location.jsfl
			/Sync module SWFs.jsfl
		/Delete empty folders.jsfl
		/Export classes.jsfl
		/Inspect selected items.jsfl
		/Select items by property.jsfl
		/Smooth bitmaps.jsfl
		/Spreadsheet-edit properties.jsfl
		/Wrap bitmaps in classes.jsfl
		/Apply tints.jsfl
		/Assign unique names.jsfl
		/Create test squares.jsfl
		/Make circular.jsfl
		/Randomize selected elements.jsfl
		/Set 9-slice guides.jsfl

Framework methods


Returns the named SWF panel if it exists


  • name String The panel name


  •   SWFPanel An SWFPanel object

The following example grabs the xJSFL Snippets panel object:

var panel = Utils.getPanel('xJSFL Snippets');	
[object SWFPanel]

getStack(error, shorten)

Returns an array of the the currently executing files, paths, lines, and code,


  • error Error An optional error object
  • shorten Boolean An optional Boolean to shorten any core paths with {xjsfl}


  •   Array An array of the executing files, paths, lines and code

getStack() is used throughout xJSFL for debugging, finding callling file URIs, and many other things.

The following example dumps the current call stack when function c() is called (most-recent calls are first):

function a(){ b(); }
function b(){ c(); }
function c()

Inspect: Array (depth:4, objects:4, values:20, time:0.0 seconds)
array => Array
	[0] => Object
		 line: 12
		 code: "c()"
		 file: "test.jsfl"
		 path: "E:/Projects/xJSFL/dev/"
		 uri: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/dev/test.jsfl"
	[1] => Object
		 line: 9
		 code: "b()"
		 file: "test.jsfl"
		 path: "E:/Projects/xJSFL/dev/"
		 uri: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/dev/test.jsfl"
	[2] => Object
		 line: 8
		 code: "a()"
		 file: "test.jsfl"
		 path: "E:/Projects/xJSFL/dev/"
		 uri: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/dev/test.jsfl"
	[3] => Object
		 line: 15
		 code: ""
		 file: "test.jsfl"
		 path: "E:/Projects/xJSFL/dev/"
		 uri: "file:///E|/Projects/xJSFL/dev/test.jsfl"

bind(scope, fn)

Binds the scope of a function to another object permanently


  • scope Object The new "this" scope for the function
  • fn Function The function to bind to the new scope
  • ...rest Arguments Any arguments to curry


  •   Function The new bound function, or null if the function doesn't exist

When referencing a function on another object dynamically, the scope that function will be in, when called, is the scope where the reference was first created. The way round this is to use function.apply() or function.call(), but both these methods are only temporary.

Utils.bind() returns an interim function that is permanently bound to the supplied scope, which makes it easier to call in future.

The following example demonstrates 3 ways of calling a function, but the first two are called in the Window scope, not the object scope:

var object =
		trace('> ' + this.value)
func1	= object.test;
func2	= object['test'];
func3	= Utils.bind(object, object['test']);
> undefined
> undefined
> 1

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