
Snippets & other updates

June 30, 2011

So it’s been a week since the pre-Beta launch, and I’ve made various bug-fixes and improvements; mainly: Snippets now handles multiple folders, so you can add and remove your own sets XML now has a handy remove() method in addition to find(), and you can target nodes using CSS-style shorthand: nodes.remove(‘#id’), nodes.find(‘@attr=value’), etc Config is […]

xJSFL goes public

June 27, 2011

xJSFL (really, pre) Beta OK, xJSFL is officially released as a not-quite Beta, with the following caveats: There are still bugs There is no documentation yet There’s a lot of TODOs in there! The license is GPL (will probably BSD it for the final release) Probably a few other things I’m too tired to think […]

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Pre-release roundup!

June 9, 2011

I only have a few more classes to finish writing before I release the framework, so I thought I would write a post to quickly highlight some of the cool things you can look forward to. Overview xJSFL notes The xJSFL core and libraries are around 9,000 lines of JavaScript, similar to jQuery which is […]

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Superdoc and Template classes

June 1, 2011

So I’m plugging away on the framework, and thought I would share a couple of new classes that are now pretty-much finished. Superdoc This is the Mama of all classes! Essentially it’s the JSFL Document class, but restructured as a hierarchical object, so instead of remembering 1 of 180 methods or properties, you access it […]

CSS-style selection for the Library panel

May 20, 2011

I’ve just completed one of the xJSFL features I’ve been dying to do since starting the project, and that’s CSS-style selection for the library panel. Basically, instead of selecting library items by specifying paths, indices, or writing expressions within loops, you can now simply select (or just return) library items with an expression: var items […]

xJSFL Beta release is not too far away…

May 11, 2011

You’re probably used to my “it’s not quite ready yet” updates, so here’s another one, albeit with much less uncertainty than previous posts. I presented at the LFPUG a few weeks ago, and it was great for many reasons. To see the presentation and download the slides, click here. The audio’s not the best, it […]

January Update

January 13, 2011

Well, being the massive optimist that I am, the end of December sailed by. However, fret not. I’ve managed to pick up development again, along with client work, and it’s ticking along at a fairly leisurely pace (but at least it’s moving). I just completed another module which makes extensive use of the new FileSystem […]

End of October update – state of play

October 31, 2010

I thought it would be polite to those waiting for a release date to post about where I am with xJSFL. First of all, it’s not ready yet, and probably won’t be for at least another month. I’m working on another project concurrently, and for the last couple of weeks it’s taken a higher priority […]

Flash on the Beach Slides

September 30, 2010

I had a really great time at Flash on the Beach, and it was a great opportunity to get to present the framework at the Elevator Pitch session, albeit very briefly, to the attendees. Anyway, here are the slides I presented in PDF format. xJSFL Flash on the Beach Presentation Feedback was really great, with […]

Panel Framework updates

September 16, 2010

Lots of updates today! Logging and Output Refactored the external.JSFLLog class to now be utils.Output Moved Output.debug() to utils.Debug.process() which allows for better debugging (no anonymous functions so a proper stack trace!). However, Output.debug() still shortcuts Debug.process() Rebuilt Debug.process() to handle XML and Date properly, as well as native types, and strings now output with […]